Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Hi All,

I hope you will join us for lunch at noon to 2 pm Nov. 21, Sunday, at the French Quarter restaurant:

French Quarter Restaurant in the French Market Place
7985 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood, CA 90046
Phone: (323) 654-0898 

If you have GPS, this is the best guide--a map is available at google maps: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4SUNA_enUS279US349&q=French+Quarter+restaurant+West+Hollywood

See you there!  Please leave questions as Comments here.  Jane

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Hi All,

 I heard from EuroAmerican about the flights--we will be flying out of LAX about 4:30 pm. on Dec. 10.  This way we can sleep on the plane and arrive in the morning in France.  On the return trip, we will be arriving in LAX about 12:50 pm.

You will be hearing from EuroAmerican about the "deviations" (their word for going to Paris or Barcelona).  Since we only have two or three people interested in this, they are unable to offer group rates.  It would be pretty expensive to book individual tickets...basically, we would be going to Paris, then back to Toulouse, and then booking a new one way ticket Toulouse-LAX (outrageously pricey).

More later about lunch on Sunday the 21st!


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Our Lunch Nov. 21 Sunday 10-12?

I have not hear from you all, but the ones who have responded have leaned toward Sunday Nov. 21, 12-2 pm.   Is this impossible for any one (I know Anne is in Las Vegas)?  Thanks.


Question Thread--ask away!

Welcome Travelers

Hi All,

Welcome to our Blog.  We can keep ourselves updated before the trip, and during the trip, we can send posts about our experiences that friends and family can read (if they know they address).  Please go to msmctrip.blogspot.com.

I will add information, and you can comment or ask questions under comments.

More later about our lunch, itinerary, packing, etc.  Be sure now that you have a current passport, please--this is the most important thing at this point.